That's right, we're doing it again! It's time for the FOURTH ANNUAL ANGELS RIDE FOR CHARITY!!!!!
For the past 3 years, DAEJEON RIDERS and DAEJEON ACCESS have organized
this charity event to raise money for local children's centers. It's
grown every year and we hope to make this year the best yet!
So we got a big one planned for everyone, with all your favorites:
RIDE... all for a good cause. Come enjoy a perfect Saturday outdoors
with family and friends. The MUSIC: What's better than LIVE music on an outdoor stage in a beautiful park?? Bands BUZZARD LUCK, LIKE A FOX, HAJIMAMA, THE BILLY PILGRIM SHOW, JORDAN STEWART, THE DIRTY 30's, Dara O'Siochain, and more will be jamming tunes all afternoon.
Buzzard Luck |
Hajimama |
The Billy Pilgrim Show
The Dirty 30's |
Dara O'Siochain
The FOOD: Grilled burgers from HOUSE GRILL. Delicious Mexican from
CANTINA. And authentic THAI from KHAOSAN ROAD. What more need I say?
The Best Burgers In Daejeon! |
Mexican Food! |
Thai Food! |
The PRIZES: We have tons of prizes this year, to all your favorite
bars&restaurants in Daejeon and Seoul who have been generous enough
to sponsor this event. W Bistro, The Mill, Santa Claus, Yellow Taxi,
Brickhouse, Pinoy Mart, Maloney's Pub, Concorde Wine Bar, Casablanca, Berlin, Okitchen, and more. The RIDE: Got wheels? Join the
Daejeon Riders on one of their favorite tours. Cruise south of town
through Korea's beautiful countryside, climb some wickedly windy
mountain roads, take some amazing pictures overlooking a magnificent
blue lake, burn rubber with friends new and old, and afterward ride up
to the stage amidst a cheering crowd.
What more need I say??
WHERE: Seodaejeon Park, at the big stage in the southwest corner. See
map below. There's a giant field for sports and games, there are nice
groves of trees for shade, lots of room for you and all your friends.
(and there are bathroom facilities.)
Click here for the map
Here's the Seo Daejeon Stage! It's Beautiful!
When you arrive, sign up for the first annual Charity Football Tournament (American football).
Registration starts at 2, games start at 3. Any and all are welcome to
participate (though an understanding of the game would be beneficial).
You'll need a team of 5, a clever team name, and ₩5000
per person (I think that's roughly ₩25000 per team). All the money
raised will go to local children's centers which the Angels Ride for
Charity event supports. Winners of the bracket style tourney will get
bragging rights for the Greater Daejeon area and some super-secret,
totally radical prize. Basic rules: 2 hand touch, first team to
5 touchdowns wins, 4 downs with 1 first down marker at midfield, no
kickoffs, teams start possession at the 10 yard line, and 10 apple rush.
Everything else is based on standard NFL rules. The exception being:
steroids and all other PEDs are allowed.
By Subway: Seodaejeon Negeori Station (서대전네거리역) Exit 2 By Taxi: Seo-dae-jeon Ne-geo-ri Yeok (서대전네거리역) (closest to Exit 2) By Bus: the 101, 103, 119, 201, 202, 311, 314, 315, 612, 613, 614, 618, 701
Facebook Event Page Here This Charity Ride would not be able to take place without our local sponsors. A big special THANK YOU to: YELLOW TAXI PINOY MART BILLY PILGRIM
Looking for artists who would be willing to part with some of their work for a charitable cause. As it is an outdoor event, please consider the size and dimensions of
the work. The most saleable work will be something that can be easily
carried. If are interested, please contact me via FB. Thanks. Glen Riley
Please remember we do all this to raise money for local charities.
Proceeds from food, games, and prize raffles will go into the pot; in
addition, DONATIONS ARE MOST WELCOME!!! It'll be a blast as always, so
come have a good time, and give a little back to the place that's given
you so much!!! Hope to see you there!!!!!